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Hair Removal: That Certain Something

You love it on your head. You hate it everywhere else. For as much money as we spend making this hair look good, we spend just as much making other hair go away.
The most common type of temporary hair removal is shaving. The results are short-lived, but it's the fastest, easiest and least painful way to tackle areas like legs and underarms. Use your razor just two or three times  before changing the blade. Dull ones don't coast over the skin and are more likely to cause nicks. Another option are creams. But make sure you use one specifically made for the body part you're using it on.
Then there's wax. Since waxing removes hair deep down at the roots, it takes four to six weeks before hair is visible again. Waxing is great for eyebrow, bikini line and lip areas. Does never waxing or shaving sound good to you? Then something more permanent may be a good idea.
Kelly McAnany from Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow says, "The EpiLight system is an IPL, or intense pulse light, that is used for hair removal. It works on the concept of heating the hair follicle and either damaging it or destroying it."
One of the most popular methods is laser. Donald J. Meyer, a physician says, "We call it more hair reduction than hair removal. The hair follicles that are treated are gone, similar to other processes like electrolysis. You need to have at least three treatments to get a full hair growth cycle."
Kelly McAnany says, "Most people don't want to spend time shaving their legs, shaving their underarms. If we can get rid of that hair and not have to do that, that allows us to spend our time doing something that we want to do, that's productive for us."
There is no silver bullet, when it comes to hair removal, but knowing your options makes it a lot easier.