Florida Perry Smith

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+ Summer Trends: Celebrity Makeup Artist Matin
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+ Gorgeous Glow: That Certain Something
+ Winter Sun Protection: That Certain Something
+ Anti-Aging Update: That Certain Something
+ Make It Work: That Certain Something
+ Natural Ingredients: That Certain Something
+ Really Pearly Whites: That Certain Something
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Anti-Aging: That Certain Something

It's one of those life-defining moments. It's maybe not as big or as important as a wedding, or the birth of your child, but just about all of us remember the first time we looked into the mirror and we saw we had wrinkles. Like it or not, they're inevitable. But it's never too late to start reversing the effects of aging. One of the most important things you can use nightly is a cream specifically designed to fight wrinkles. You may want to consider one for your face and another one made specifically for your eyes. One term we've heard a lot about when it comes to skin care, is Retin-A. That's available by prescription, but you can also get it over-the-counter in products that contain Retinol. Another hot product on the market these days is anything with soy in it. Studies show soy protects skin against sun damage. And may boost a substance that thickens skin and reduces fine lines. And speaking of the sun, one of the best skin products you can have is sun screen. Use it religiously whether you're in the sun or even living in a colder climate. You need to protect from UVB rays, but new products out there are also protecting from those little talked about UVA rays. Both Neutrogena's Age Shield and Healthy Defense daily moisturizers will soon have a new technology called Helioplex, designed to do just that. The biggest key to seeing results from anti-aging products is regular use. And the easiest way to do that is to keep it simple. Products like Neutrogena's Healthy Skin Enhancer have Retinol, sun screen and coverage all in one. So here's to aging gracefully. And remember, it's never too late to start your anti-aging routine.